Missing Header extract subset of snapshots particles

Xiaoju Xu
  • 26 Mar '18

Hi, I was trying to extract subsets (all dark matter particles) of Illustris 2 hydrodynamic simulation, some information in Header of .hdf5 was missing. The code I was using is:

url='http://www.illustris-project.org/api/Illustris-2/files/snapshot-'+str(snap)+'.'+str(block)+'.hdf5' headers={"api-key"} params={'dm':'Coordinates,ParticleIDs,Potential,Velocities'} data=requests.get(url,headers=headers,params=params)

When I tried to read data with python, all the data in 'PartType1' is same as the 'PartType1' in raw data downloaded directly from Illustris 2 web page, but the Header part was incomplete. For example, if I check attributes in Header with header.attrs['BoxSize'] or header.attrs['Time'], there's nothing, but they all exist in the raw particle data. Sorry that I may didn't make the question vary clear, I wanted to get all the dark matter particles in some snapshots in Illustris 2 hydrodynamic simulation, not only particles of some specific halo or subhalo. Since I plan to use this subsets of particle data as input to other code, I want to include all the Header information as same as raw complete particle data in .hdf5 file, at least include OmegaLambda, Omega0, HubbleParam, Time, BoxSize, NumPart_ThisFile, NumPart_Total_HighWord, NumPart_Total, MassTable. Can you add these in the Header of hdf5 file downloaded with API?


Dylan Nelson
  • 28 Mar '18

Hi Xiaoju,

Sorry for the mixup, I thought you were doing subhalo/halo cutouts of snapshot data.

I have added the full Header also to these field cutouts of snapshot data.

Xiaoju Xu
  • 29 Mar '18

Hi Dylan,

Thank you so much, I think it already including everything I need except for NumPart_ThisFile. It seems this parameter is also very important for me, can you please also add this in Header? Sorry about having so many requirements.

Xiaoju Xu
  • 29 Mar '18

Hi Dylan,

Thank you so much, I think it already including everything I need except for NumPart_ThisFile. It seems this parameter is also very important for me, can you please also add this in Header? Sorry about having so many requirements.

Dylan Nelson
  • 29 Mar '18

This should be fixed now.

Xiaoju Xu
  • 30 Mar '18

Thank you!

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