Reading subbox snapshots particle data HDF5 group error (IDL)
Xinghai Zhao
20 Nov '22
I am just wondering why some of particle data can't be read from some of the snapshots of TNG50-1 Subbox0.
For example, for gas data from snapshot 1701, got error message "H5G_OPEN: unable to open group: (Object ID:16777217, Object Name:"PartType0")" when using provided IDL program. This only happened to small number of snapshots.
Also, it seems happened when reading black hole data from all of these snapshots too.
I just used the original sample IDL codes downloaded from the TNG site, and
I changed slightly to adjust to the snapshot naming of subbox0
The problems happened when using IDL command as:
; Illustris Simulation: Public Data Release.
; File I/O related to the snapshot files.
function snapPath, basePath, snapNum, chunkNum=cn
; Return absolute path to a snapshot HDF5 file (modify as needed).
compile_opt idl2, hidden, strictarr, strictarrsubs
if n_elements(cn) eq 0 then cn = 0
snapPath = basePath + '/snapdir_subbox0_' + string(snapNum,format='(I04)') + '/'
filePath = snapPath + 'snap_subbox0_' + string(snapNum,format='(I04)')
filePath += '.' + str(cn) + '.hdf5'
return, filePath
function getNumPart, header
; Calculate number of particles of all types given a snapshot header.
compile_opt idl2, hidden, strictarr, strictarrsubs
nTypes = 6
nPart = ulon64arr(nTypes)
for i=0,nTypes-1 do begin
low_word = ulong64(header['NumPart_Total',i])
high_word = ulong64(header['NumPart_Total_HighWord',i])
nPart[i] = ishft(high_word, 32) OR (low_word)
return, nPart
function loadSnapSubset, basePath, snapNum, partType, fields=fields, subset=subset, sq=sq
; Load a subset of fields for all particles/cells of a given partType.
; If offset and length specified, load only that subset of the partType.
; If sq is True (default), return an array instead of a dict if n_elements(fields) eq 1.
compile_opt idl2, hidden, strictarr, strictarrsubs
if n_elements(sq) eq 0 then sq = 1 ; by default true
ptNum = partTypeNum(partType)
gName = "PartType" + str(ptNum)
; load header from first chunk
f = h5f_open( snapPath(basePath,snapNum) )
header = hdf5_all_attrs(f, "Header")
result = hash()
nPart = getNumPart(header)
; decide global read size, starting file chunk, and starting file chunk offset
if n_elements(subset) gt 0 then begin
offsetsThisType = subset['offsetType',ptNum] - subset['snapOffsets',*,ptNum]
fileNum = max(where( offsetsThisType ge 0 ))
fileOff = offsetsThisType[fileNum]
numToRead = subset['lenType',ptNum]
endif else begin
fileNum = 0
fileOff = 0
numToRead = nPart[ptNum]
result['count'] = numToRead
if ~numToRead then begin
;print, 'warning: no particles of requested type, empty return.'
return, result
; find a chunk with this particle type
i = 1
while ~(hdf5_dset_names(f, "/")).count(gName) do begin
h5f_close, f
f = h5f_open( snapPath(basePath,snapNum,chunkNum=i) )
i += 1
; if fields not specified, load everything
field_names = hdf5_dset_properties(f, gName, shapes=shapes, types=types)
if n_elements(fields) eq 0 then fields = field_names
; loop over all requested fields
foreach field,fields do begin
; verify existence
if ~field_names.count(field) then $
message,'Particle type ['+str(ptNum)+'] does not have field ['+field+']'
; replace local length with global
shape = shapes[field]
shape[-1] = numToRead
; allocate within return hash
result[field] = make_array(shape, type=types[field])
h5f_close, f
; loop over chunks
wOffset = 0
origNumToRead = numToRead
while numToRead gt 0 do begin
f = h5f_open( snapPath(basePath,snapNum,chunkNum=fileNum) )
header = hdf5_all_attrs(f, "Header")
field_names = hdf5_dset_properties(f, gName, shapes=shapes, types=types)
; no particles of requested type in this file chunk?
if ~(hdf5_dset_names(f, "/")).count(gName) then begin
h5f_close, f
fileNum += 1
fileOff = 0
; set local read length for this file chunk, truncate to be within the local size
numTypeLocal = header['NumPart_ThisFile',ptNum]
numToReadLocal = numToRead
if fileOff + numToReadLocal gt numTypeLocal then $
numToReadLocal = numTypeLocal - fileOff
;print,'['+string(fileNum,format='(I3)')+'] off='+str(fileOff)+' read ['+str(numToReadLocal)+$
; '] of ['+str(numTypeLocal)+'] remaining = '+str(numToRead-numToReadLocal)
; loop over each requested field for this particle type
foreach field,fields do begin
; read data local to the current file
length = shapes[field]
start = lonarr(n_elements(length))
start[-1] = fileOff
length[-1] = numToReadLocal
data = hdf5_read_dataset_slice(f, gName+"/"+field, start, length)
; save
if n_elements(length) eq 1 then $
result[field,wOffset:wOffset+length[-1]-1] = data
if n_elements(length) eq 2 then $
result[field,*,wOffset:wOffset+length[-1]-1] = data
wOffset += numToReadLocal
numToRead -= numToReadLocal
fileNum += 1
fileOff = 0 ; start at beginning of all file chunks other than the first
h5f_close, f
if origNumToRead ne wOffset then $
message,'Read ['+str(wOffset)+'] particles, but was expecting ['+str(origNumToRead)+']'
; only a single field? then return the array instead of a single item hash
if sq and n_elements(fields) eq 1 then return, result[fields[0]]
return, result
function getSnapOffsets, basePath, snapNum, id, type
; Compute offsets within snapshot for a particular group/subgroup.
compile_opt idl2, hidden, strictarr, strictarrsubs
r = hash()
; old or new format
if strmatch(gcPath(basePath,snapNum), '*fof_subhalo*') then begin
; use separate 'offsets_nnn.hdf5' files
f = h5f_open( offsetPath(basePath,snapNum) )
field_names = hdf5_dset_properties(f, "FileOffsets/", shapes=shapes)
groupFileOffsets = hdf5_read_dataset_slice(f, "FileOffsets/"+type, 0, shapes[type])
r['snapOffsets'] = hdf5_read_dataset_slice(f, "FileOffsets/SnapByType", [0,0], shapes['SnapByType'])
r['snapOffsets'] = transpose(r['snapOffsets']) ; consistency
endif else begin
; load groupcat chunk offsets from header of first file
f = h5f_open( gcPath(basePath,snapNum) )
header = hdf5_all_attrs(f, "Header")
groupFileOffsets = header['FileOffsets_'+type]
r['snapOffsets'] = header['FileOffsets_Snap']
h5f_close, f
; calculate target groups file chunk which contains this id
groupFileOffsets = long(id) - groupFileOffsets
fileNum = max( where(groupFileOffsets ge 0) )
groupOffset = groupFileOffsets[fileNum]
; load the length (by type) of this group/subgroup from the group catalog
f = h5f_open( gcPath(basePath,snapNum,chunkNum=fileNum) )
; parameters to read entire field of this chunk
field_names = hdf5_dset_properties(f, type, shapes=shapes)
length = shapes[type+'LenType']
start = lonarr(n_elements(length))
; modify to single element (is multidimensional, [6,1])
start[-1] = groupOffset
length[-1] = 1
r['lenType'] = hdf5_read_dataset_slice(f, type+"/"+type+"LenType", start, length)
h5f_close, f
; old or new format: load the offset (by type) of this group/subgroup within the snapshot
if strmatch(gcPath(basePath,snapNum), '*fof_subhalo*') then begin
f = h5f_open( offsetPath(basePath,snapNum) )
start[-1] = id
r['offsetType'] = hdf5_read_dataset_slice(f, type+"/SnapByType", start, length)
endif else begin
f = h5f_open( gcPath(basePath,snapNum,chunkNum=fileNum) )
r['offsetType'] = hdf5_read_dataset_slice(f, "Offsets/"+type+"_SnapByType", start, length)
h5f_close, f
return, r
function loadSubhalo, basePath, snapNum, id, partType, fields=fields
; Load all particles/cells of one type for a specific subhalo
; (optionally restricted to a subset fields).
compile_opt idl2, hidden, strictarr, strictarrsubs
; load subhalo length, compute offset, call loadSnapSubset
subset = getSnapOffsets(basePath,snapNum,id,"Subhalo")
return, loadSnapSubset(basePath,snapNum,partType,fields=fields,subset=subset)
function loadHalo, basePath, snapNum, id, partType, fields=fields
; Load all particles/cells of one type for a specific halo
; (optionally restricted to a subset fields).
compile_opt idl2, hidden, strictarr, strictarrsubs
; load halo length, compute offset, call loadSnapSubset
subset = getSnapOffsets(basePath,snapNum,id,"Group")
return, loadSnapSubset(basePath,snapNum,partType,fields=fields,subset=subset)
function loadSnapHeader, basePath, snapNum
; Load Snapshot Header
compile_opt idl2, hidden, strictarr, strictarrsubs
; load header from first chunk
f = h5f_open( snapPath(basePath,snapNum) )
header = hdf5_all_attrs(f, "Header")
h5f_close, f
return, header
The problem is that some subbox snapshot file chunks, because they are in general very small, do not necessarily all contain N>0 particles of the type you want to load.
In the code this is supposed to be handled by this part:
header = hdf5_all_attrs(f, "Header")
field_names = hdf5_dset_properties(f, gName, shapes=shapes, types=types)
; no particles of requested type in this file chunk?
if ~(hdf5_dset_names(f, "/")).count(gName) then begin
h5f_close, f
fileNum += 1
fileOff = 0
The issue is just that this check "no particles of requested type in this file chunk?" happens after we try to load the field_names.
The fix is just to re-order these two pieces:
; no particles of requested type in this file chunk?
if ~(hdf5_dset_names(f, "/")).count(gName) then begin
h5f_close, f
fileNum += 1
fileOff = 0
header = hdf5_all_attrs(f, "Header")
field_names = hdf5_dset_properties(f, gName, shapes=shapes, types=types)
Dylan Nelson
21 Nov '22
(In the original this is correct, so you must have re-arranged these lines. But, the order matters)
Xinghai Zhao
22 Nov '22
The order change solved the problem, Thanks a lot! Dylan
I am just wondering why some of particle data can't be read from some of the snapshots of TNG50-1 Subbox0.
For example, for gas data from snapshot 1701, got error message "H5G_OPEN: unable to open group: (Object ID:16777217, Object Name:"PartType0")" when using provided IDL program. This only happened to small number of snapshots.
Also, it seems happened when reading black hole data from all of these snapshots too.
Can you post the exact code you are running?
I just used the original sample IDL codes downloaded from the TNG site, and
I changed slightly to adjust to the snapshot naming of subbox0
The problems happened when using IDL command as:
My idl code:
The problem is that some subbox snapshot file chunks, because they are in general very small, do not necessarily all contain
particles of the type you want to load.In the code this is supposed to be handled by this part:
The issue is just that this check "no particles of requested type in this file chunk?" happens after we try to load the
.The fix is just to re-order these two pieces:
(In the original
this is correct, so you must have re-arranged these lines. But, the order matters)The order change solved the problem, Thanks a lot! Dylan