Reading subbox snapshots particle data HDF5 group error (IDL)

Xinghai Zhao
  • 20 Nov '22

I am just wondering why some of particle data can't be read from some of the snapshots of TNG50-1 Subbox0.
For example, for gas data from snapshot 1701, got error message "H5G_OPEN: unable to open group: (Object ID:16777217, Object Name:"PartType0")" when using provided IDL program. This only happened to small number of snapshots.
Also, it seems happened when reading black hole data from all of these snapshots too.

Dylan Nelson
  • 21 Nov '22

Can you post the exact code you are running?

Xinghai Zhao
  • 2
  • 21 Nov '22

I just used the original sample IDL codes downloaded from the TNG site, and
I changed slightly to adjust to the snapshot naming of subbox0
The problems happened when using IDL command as:

basePath = '../sims.TNG/TNG50-1/output/subbox0'
num = 1701
gas_pos = loadSnapSubset(basePath, num, 'gas', fields=['Coordinates'])
bh_pos = loadSnapSubset(basePath, num, 'bhs', fields=['Coordinates'])

My idl code:

; Illustris Simulation: Public Data Release.
; File I/O related to the snapshot files.

function snapPath, basePath, snapNum, chunkNum=cn
  ; Return absolute path to a snapshot HDF5 file (modify as needed).
  compile_opt idl2, hidden, strictarr, strictarrsubs

  if n_elements(cn) eq 0 then cn = 0

  snapPath = basePath + '/snapdir_subbox0_' + string(snapNum,format='(I04)') + '/'
  filePath = snapPath + 'snap_subbox0_' + string(snapNum,format='(I04)')
  filePath += '.' + str(cn) + '.hdf5'

  return, filePath  

function getNumPart, header
  ; Calculate number of particles of all types given a snapshot header.
  compile_opt idl2, hidden, strictarr, strictarrsubs

  nTypes = 6
  nPart  = ulon64arr(nTypes)

  for i=0,nTypes-1 do begin
    low_word  = ulong64(header['NumPart_Total',i])
    high_word = ulong64(header['NumPart_Total_HighWord',i])

    nPart[i] = ishft(high_word, 32) OR (low_word)

  return, nPart

function loadSnapSubset, basePath, snapNum, partType, fields=fields, subset=subset, sq=sq
  ; Load a subset of fields for all particles/cells of a given partType.
  ; If offset and length specified, load only that subset of the partType.
  ; If sq is True (default), return an array instead of a dict if n_elements(fields) eq 1.
  compile_opt idl2, hidden, strictarr, strictarrsubs

  if n_elements(sq) eq 0 then sq = 1 ; by default true

  ptNum = partTypeNum(partType)
  gName = "PartType" + str(ptNum)

  ; load header from first chunk
  f = h5f_open( snapPath(basePath,snapNum) )
  header = hdf5_all_attrs(f, "Header")

  result = hash()
  nPart = getNumPart(header)

  ; decide global read size, starting file chunk, and starting file chunk offset
  if n_elements(subset) gt 0 then begin
    offsetsThisType = subset['offsetType',ptNum] - subset['snapOffsets',*,ptNum]

    fileNum = max(where( offsetsThisType ge 0 ))
    fileOff = offsetsThisType[fileNum]
    numToRead = subset['lenType',ptNum]
  endif else begin
    fileNum = 0
    fileOff = 0
    numToRead = nPart[ptNum]

  result['count'] = numToRead  
  if ~numToRead then begin
    ;print, 'warning: no particles of requested type, empty return.'
    return, result

  ; find a chunk with this particle type
  i = 1
  while ~(hdf5_dset_names(f, "/")).count(gName) do begin
    h5f_close, f
    f = h5f_open( snapPath(basePath,snapNum,chunkNum=i) )
    i += 1

  ; if fields not specified, load everything
  field_names = hdf5_dset_properties(f, gName, shapes=shapes, types=types)

  if n_elements(fields) eq 0 then fields = field_names  

  ; loop over all requested fields
  foreach field,fields do begin
    ; verify existence
    if ~field_names.count(field) then $
      message,'Particle type ['+str(ptNum)+'] does not have field ['+field+']'

    ; replace local length with global
    shape = shapes[field]
    shape[-1] = numToRead

    ; allocate within return hash
    result[field] = make_array(shape, type=types[field])

  h5f_close, f

  ; loop over chunks
  wOffset = 0
  origNumToRead = numToRead

  while numToRead gt 0 do begin
    f = h5f_open( snapPath(basePath,snapNum,chunkNum=fileNum) )

    header = hdf5_all_attrs(f, "Header")
    field_names = hdf5_dset_properties(f, gName, shapes=shapes, types=types)

    ; no particles of requested type in this file chunk?
    if ~(hdf5_dset_names(f, "/")).count(gName) then begin
      h5f_close, f
      fileNum += 1
      fileOff  = 0

    ; set local read length for this file chunk, truncate to be within the local size
    numTypeLocal = header['NumPart_ThisFile',ptNum]

    numToReadLocal = numToRead

    if fileOff + numToReadLocal gt numTypeLocal then $
      numToReadLocal = numTypeLocal - fileOff

    ;print,'['+string(fileNum,format='(I3)')+'] off='+str(fileOff)+' read ['+str(numToReadLocal)+$
    ;      '] of ['+str(numTypeLocal)+'] remaining = '+str(numToRead-numToReadLocal)

    ; loop over each requested field for this particle type
    foreach field,fields do begin
      ; read data local to the current file
      length = shapes[field]
      start  = lonarr(n_elements(length))

      start[-1]  = fileOff
      length[-1] = numToReadLocal

      data = hdf5_read_dataset_slice(f, gName+"/"+field, start, length)

      ; save
      if n_elements(length) eq 1 then $
        result[field,wOffset:wOffset+length[-1]-1] = data
      if n_elements(length) eq 2 then $
        result[field,*,wOffset:wOffset+length[-1]-1] = data

    wOffset   += numToReadLocal
    numToRead -= numToReadLocal
    fileNum   += 1
    fileOff    = 0 ; start at beginning of all file chunks other than the first

    h5f_close, f

  if origNumToRead ne wOffset then $
    message,'Read ['+str(wOffset)+'] particles, but was expecting ['+str(origNumToRead)+']'

  ; only a single field? then return the array instead of a single item hash
  if sq and n_elements(fields) eq 1 then return, result[fields[0]]

  return, result  

function getSnapOffsets, basePath, snapNum, id, type
  ; Compute offsets within snapshot for a particular group/subgroup.
  compile_opt idl2, hidden, strictarr, strictarrsubs
  r = hash()

  ; old or new format
  if strmatch(gcPath(basePath,snapNum), '*fof_subhalo*') then begin
    ; use separate 'offsets_nnn.hdf5' files
    f = h5f_open( offsetPath(basePath,snapNum) )
    field_names = hdf5_dset_properties(f, "FileOffsets/", shapes=shapes)

    groupFileOffsets = hdf5_read_dataset_slice(f, "FileOffsets/"+type, 0, shapes[type])
    r['snapOffsets'] = hdf5_read_dataset_slice(f, "FileOffsets/SnapByType", [0,0], shapes['SnapByType'])
    r['snapOffsets'] = transpose(r['snapOffsets']) ; consistency
  endif else begin
    ; load groupcat chunk offsets from header of first file
    f = h5f_open( gcPath(basePath,snapNum) )
    header = hdf5_all_attrs(f, "Header")
    groupFileOffsets = header['FileOffsets_'+type]
    r['snapOffsets'] = header['FileOffsets_Snap']

  h5f_close, f

  ; calculate target groups file chunk which contains this id
  groupFileOffsets = long(id) - groupFileOffsets
  fileNum = max( where(groupFileOffsets ge 0) )
  groupOffset = groupFileOffsets[fileNum]

  ; load the length (by type) of this group/subgroup from the group catalog
  f = h5f_open( gcPath(basePath,snapNum,chunkNum=fileNum) )
    ; parameters to read entire field of this chunk
    field_names = hdf5_dset_properties(f, type, shapes=shapes)
    length = shapes[type+'LenType']
    start  = lonarr(n_elements(length))

    ; modify to single element (is multidimensional, [6,1])
    start[-1]  = groupOffset
    length[-1] = 1

    r['lenType'] = hdf5_read_dataset_slice(f, type+"/"+type+"LenType", start, length)
  h5f_close, f

  ; old or new format: load the offset (by type) of this group/subgroup within the snapshot
  if strmatch(gcPath(basePath,snapNum), '*fof_subhalo*') then begin
    f = h5f_open( offsetPath(basePath,snapNum) )
    start[-1] = id
    r['offsetType'] = hdf5_read_dataset_slice(f, type+"/SnapByType", start, length)
  endif else begin
    f = h5f_open( gcPath(basePath,snapNum,chunkNum=fileNum) )
    r['offsetType'] = hdf5_read_dataset_slice(f, "Offsets/"+type+"_SnapByType", start, length)

  h5f_close, f

  return, r

function loadSubhalo, basePath, snapNum, id, partType, fields=fields
  ; Load all particles/cells of one type for a specific subhalo
  ; (optionally restricted to a subset fields).
  compile_opt idl2, hidden, strictarr, strictarrsubs

  ; load subhalo length, compute offset, call loadSnapSubset
  subset = getSnapOffsets(basePath,snapNum,id,"Subhalo")
  return, loadSnapSubset(basePath,snapNum,partType,fields=fields,subset=subset)

function loadHalo, basePath, snapNum, id, partType, fields=fields
  ; Load all particles/cells of one type for a specific halo
  ; (optionally restricted to a subset fields).
  compile_opt idl2, hidden, strictarr, strictarrsubs

  ; load halo length, compute offset, call loadSnapSubset
  subset = getSnapOffsets(basePath,snapNum,id,"Group")
  return, loadSnapSubset(basePath,snapNum,partType,fields=fields,subset=subset)

function loadSnapHeader, basePath, snapNum
  ; Load Snapshot Header
  compile_opt idl2, hidden, strictarr, strictarrsubs

  ; load header from first chunk
  f = h5f_open( snapPath(basePath,snapNum) )
  header = hdf5_all_attrs(f, "Header")
  h5f_close, f
  return, header


Dylan Nelson
  • 1
  • 21 Nov '22

The problem is that some subbox snapshot file chunks, because they are in general very small, do not necessarily all contain N>0 particles of the type you want to load.

In the code this is supposed to be handled by this part:

    header = hdf5_all_attrs(f, "Header")
    field_names = hdf5_dset_properties(f, gName, shapes=shapes, types=types)

    ; no particles of requested type in this file chunk?
    if ~(hdf5_dset_names(f, "/")).count(gName) then begin
      h5f_close, f
      fileNum += 1
      fileOff  = 0

The issue is just that this check "no particles of requested type in this file chunk?" happens after we try to load the field_names.

The fix is just to re-order these two pieces:

    ; no particles of requested type in this file chunk?
    if ~(hdf5_dset_names(f, "/")).count(gName) then begin
      h5f_close, f
      fileNum += 1
      fileOff  = 0

    header = hdf5_all_attrs(f, "Header")
    field_names = hdf5_dset_properties(f, gName, shapes=shapes, types=types)
Dylan Nelson
  • 21 Nov '22

(In the original this is correct, so you must have re-arranged these lines. But, the order matters)

Xinghai Zhao
  • 22 Nov '22

The order change solved the problem, Thanks a lot! Dylan

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