Position of black hole seeds in halos

Rodrigo Freitas
  • 1
  • 4 Aug '23


I am trying to understand where exactly the BH particles are seeded.

According to section 2.2 of this paper (https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2017MNRAS.465.3291W/abstract), once a halo reaches the minimum M_FoF for seeding, you put a black hole in its center and try to avoid it leaving the halo by making it go to the potential minimum.

In the paper is said that once a halo crosses the mass threshold a black hole "is placed at the centre of a halo". Question: Does "centre" means the centre of mass or the potential minimum?

Thank you!

Dylan Nelson
  • 7 Aug '23

The new SMBH replaces the gas cell with the highest density (in the FoF halo).

Rodrigo Freitas
  • 7 Aug '23

Thank you!

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