SubhaloMass for a central

Ellen Sirks
  • 20 Mar '24

Dear TNG collaboration,

I am hoping you could clarify the definition of SubhaloMass and Group_M_Crit200 for a central galaxy.

I understand the first gives the sum of bound particles to the central subhalo, and the second is a spherical overdensity calculation.

Do either or both of these masses include the mass of satellites?

Best wishes,

Dylan Nelson
  • 24 Mar '24

Group_M_Crit200 (i.e. all SO quantities) are based on all particles/cells in the simulation, so yes if a satellite is within R200c, then it will be included.

SubhaloMass of a central, by definition, excludes the masses of all satellite subhalos (as determined by Subfind).

Ellen Sirks
  • 24 Mar '24

Great, thank you very much for clarifying.


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