Accessing the TSA data

Dohyun Kim
  • 28 May '24

Hello, TNG team,

I am an undergraduate student working on a project using SKIRT to create a mock galaxy catalog.
I would like to reproduce the results from your TNG50-SKIRT Atlas paper.
Could you please advise on the best way to access the particle and gas data used in the paper?
Would accessing it through Jupyter Lab be the most efficient method, or is there an alternative way to retrieve this information?
Also, could you provide guidance of parameter settings on generating the lupton RGB images?

Thanks in advance!

Dylan Nelson
  • 30 May '24

These SKIRT runs use the TNG50 simulation data. You can access it via the Lab, or you can simply download the snapshot data. Halo cutouts should work ok for this purpose.

For information on further specifics, including the RGB images, you should contact the authors of the paper directly.

Dohyun Kim
  • 2 Jun '24

Thank you for your response!

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