I am trying to compare the maximum velocity computed from the dynamical mass with Vmax from the Subfind Subhalo (galaxies) catalog. However, they do not match.
Could you elaborate on the method of computing Vmax in the Subhalo catalog? I have followed the reference of Lovell et al. (2019), and this is the approach we want to use for our rotation curves (RCs) or dynamical mass profiles.
I compute dynamical mass of an aligned galaxy (x-y plane, face-on) as following:
###Magnitude of radius or projected radius
Gas_Radius = np.linalg.norm(gas_pos_align , axis=1)
Star_Radius = np.linalg.norm(stars_pos_align , axis=1)
DM_Radius = np.linalg.norm(DM_pos_align , axis=1)
Gas_Mass = gas_masses = gas['Masses'][:] #In solar masses;
Star_Mass = star_masses = stars['Masses'][:] #In solar masses;
###count the number of DM particles using DM positions and multipy them by $3.1 \times 10^5 M_\odot/h$ or $0.45 \times 10^6 M_\odot$ given in TNG5-1 web : https://www.tng-project.org/data/docs/background/
DM_Mass = np.full(len(DM_Radius), 0.45*1e6) # in solar masses
def component_Mdyn_optimized(Xarray, Yarray, bin_length=None):
###radial bins
if bin_length is None:
bin_length = np.max(Xarray) / 2
bin_edges = np.geomspace(0.1, 100, num=int(bin_length) + 1)
###Determine the bin index for each point
indices = np.digitize(Xarray, bin_edges) - 1 #Subtract 1 to align with Python's 0-based indexing
###Initialize arrays to store the sum of Yarray values in each bin
binned_M = np.zeros(len(bin_edges))
###Calculate the sum of Yarray values for each bin
for i in range(len(bin_edges)):
mask = indices <= i
binned_M[i] = np.sum(Yarray[mask])
return bin_edges, binned_M
Gas_R, Gas_M = component_Mdyn_optimized(Gas_Radius, Gas_Mass, bin_length=100)
Star_R, Star_M = component_Mdyn_optimized(Star_Radius, Star_Mass, bin_length=100)
DM_R, DM_M = component_Mdyn_optimized(DM_Radius, DM_Mass, bin_length=100)
Total_mass = Gas_M + Star_M + DM_M
Then I assume the spherical symmetry and compute the circular velocity curve for each component and spherically average them
Dear Dylan,
I am trying to compare the maximum velocity computed from the dynamical mass with Vmax from the Subfind Subhalo (galaxies) catalog. However, they do not match.
Could you elaborate on the method of computing Vmax in the Subhalo catalog? I have followed the reference of Lovell et al. (2019), and this is the approach we want to use for our rotation curves (RCs) or dynamical mass profiles.
I compute dynamical mass of an aligned galaxy (x-y plane, face-on) as following:
Then I assume the spherical symmetry and compute the circular velocity curve for each component and spherically average them
I am not sure whats wrong in my calculations
Even After adding black hole, discrepency is about 7km/s
For your reference: Snapshot_number 89 and subhalo_id 411594
The calculation of
are going to be similar (identical) to the Subfind code you find in the public version of AREPO.