flags in subbox "Header"

Denis Cioffi
  • 1
  • 18 Jul '24

In a question about TNG50-4 initial conditions (https://www.tng-project.org/data/forum/topic/415/tng_50_4/), Dylan wrote that some flags are "historical artifacts", and 'Sfr', 'Cooling', 'StellarAge', 'Metals', 'Feedback', and 'DoublePrecision' could be set to zero. Furthermore, these are not listed in the Data Specification's (https://www.tng-project.org/data/docs/specifications) description of the Header's "most important fields."

In looking at the Header of a couple of subbox snapshops, I find Flag_Sfr and Flag_Cooling equalling 1 and Flag_StellarAge and Flag_Metals equalling 0. I know, for example, that the "InternalEnergy field for subboxes contains the uncorrected values" (Specifcations), so it's possible for at least one set of subbox values to be invalid. In PartType4 of the several subbox snaps that I opened, GFM_Metals does contain data. Can I accept them and ignore any implications of the flags equalling 0, or despite what I infer from above, do they carry some meaning of which I should be aware?


-- Denis

Dylan Nelson
  • 21 Jul '24

For all TNG simulations, the GFM_Metals field in the subboxes is as equally valid and usable as the same field in the full snapshots.

Denis Cioffi
  • 22 Jul '24

Thanks for the confirmation, Dylan. — Denis

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