Subhalo mass fraction

Imogen Nagle
  • 1
  • 11 Oct '24

I'm trying to calculate the percentage of particles in a halo (representative of a galaxy cluster) that are also present in a subhalo of mass 4*(10**13) or greater (representative of any substructure that is resolvable through lensing). I'm finding that there are about 3 subhalos of that size per halo (mass 10**14 - 10**15) and that the percentage of particles in subhalos that also belong to halos is around 80%. This is much higher than I expected, so I'm wondering if my choice to identify halos by "Group" id or subhalos by "Subhalo" id was incorrect or if there should be more subhalos of mass 4*(10**13) or greater in each halo.

Dylan Nelson
  • 11 Oct '24

Perhaps you are counting the central (i.e. first) subhalo in each halo? This will have the majority of the mass, and particles, but is not a satellite i.e. is probably not what you are thinking of as a "subhalo" (its center is the halo center). I'd suggest to re-do your calculation excluding the first subhalo of each halo.

Imogen Nagle
  • 15 Oct '24

I did include the central one - thank you, and I think excluding it should work.

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