Matching DMO particles between the TNG and DMO simulations.
9 Jan
Are the dark matter particles with the same particle IDs consistent in the DMO and TNG simulations? I am trying to find the corresponding halos in the DMO and TNG simulations, and one method is: we can extract the unique identifiers of the 100 most gravitationally bound particles within every halo of a given DMO run, and then find the halo hosting those same particles in the corresponding hydrodynamic run. If the particle IDs cannot be matched, then this method won't work.
Are the dark matter particles with the same particle IDs consistent in the DMO and TNG simulations? I am trying to find the corresponding halos in the DMO and TNG simulations, and one method is: we can extract the unique identifiers of the 100 most gravitationally bound particles within every halo of a given DMO run, and then find the halo hosting those same particles in the corresponding hydrodynamic run. If the particle IDs cannot be matched, then this method won't work.
Thank you very much.
Yes that is correct.
A similar method has been used to create the Subhalo Matching Between Runs catalogs, which you might find useful.