Multiple descendants for some subhalos

Pradyumna Sadhu
  • 1
  • 10 Feb

I needed some help with understanding the MDB = True cases for merger trees. Take the following tree for example:
il.sublink.loadTree(basePath, 16, 2324, fields = ['SubhaloID', 'DescendantID', 'SnapNum', 'SubfindID'], onlyMDB=True)

When I look at the subset of subhalos with snapshot above given snapshot of 16, I see there are multiple subhalos with snapshot 17, but I only expect one subhalo at that snapshot (because there is generally only one unique descendant). Could you please let me know the reason for it, and perhaps a way to pick the 'right' descendant in these cases? As expected, there is one unique descendant in most cases but some like this. Please note that this is also the merger snapshot for the subhalo (i.e, after snapshot 16 this subhalo merges into some other subhalo)

Dylan Nelson
  • 11 Feb

We discussed the issue in this thread.

Pradyumna Sadhu
  • 12 Feb

Hi Dylan,
Thank you for your reply. I see what happens. There is only one descendant for the subhalo that we are considering. However, there are other branches that show up when the subhalo is not on the MPB of the z = 0 descendant.

Thank you for your help

Pradyumna Sadhu
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